January 9, 2017

Kid’s Ministry

Welcome to Soul’d Out Kids, our Children’s Ministry here at First Church. We highly value children! Children are our future and we want kids to be Soul’d Out to God. In Matthew 18:10, Jesus said, “See that you do not look down on one of these little ones.” If you are looking for a church that loves children, we’re it! We love kids, and we want to lead them to become fully devoted followers of Christ!

New to Soul’d Out Kids

We are thrilled to have you as our guest here at First Church. We love kids! Here’s a list of information that you might find helpful to make your visit here more enjoyable:


Nursery (0 – 24 months)
is available during the Small Group/Sunday School hour and in both Sunday morning and Sunday evening services and during Wednesday evening classes starting at 7:00p.
Toddlers (2 & 3 year olds) enjoy a class just for them at 9:15a and Toddler Church at 10:30a. Wednesday’s they can experience our AWANA Kids Club beginning at 7:00p.
Preschoolers (4-5 year olds) enjoy a class just for them at 9:15a and Children’s Church at 10:30a. Wednesday’s they can experience our AWANA Kids Club beginning at 7:00p.
Elementary children (grades 1-6) enjoy a class just for them at 9:15a and J.A.M. Time Worship at 10:30a. Wednesday’s during the school year they can experience our AWANA Kids Club beginning at 7:00p and Wednesday Nights of Summer each June, July and August beginning at 7:00p.


Our nursery (0-24 months) is located on the first floor of the classroom building just beyond the metal doors leading to the Welcome Center in Room 110.


Toddler Classes (2 – 3 year olds) are located on the first floor of the classroom building across from the nursery and bathrooms in Room 111.
Preschool Classes (4 – 5 year olds) are located on the second floor of the classroom building turning right at the top of the stairs in Room 215.
Elementary Classes (1st – 6th grades) are located in the classroom building with grades 1-3 upstairs in Room 210 and grades 4-6 downstairs in Room 112.
J.A.M. Time is in the Family Life Center (FLC) building across from the main building.


School Months: Awana Kids Club (2 year old – 6th grade) begins and finishes in the Family Life Center (FLC) each week.
Summer Months: Wednesday Nights of Summer (2 – 5 year old) meet in the classroom building in Room 111 and (grades 1-6) meet in the Family Life Center (FLC).


As information changes (address, phone, special care instructions, allergies, etc.) please let us know so we can better serve you and your student!


Parents,  don’t just drop your child off and run.  We invite you to come in and meet our great workers and see how much we truly love each and every one of our kids.  We even invite you to be a part of the exciting time we have during our J.A.M. Time hour at 10:30a.

Kids Leader

Daniel Dell
Youth Pastor