January 9, 2017


Our church is helping meet people’s basic needs and sharing the gospel at home and abroad. First Church has served on numerous short-term mission projects in Bulgaria, Ecuador, and various places across the United States. These projects have helped provide people with much needed medical supplies, safe drinking water, orphanage work and helped in many other ways. Through their various projects, the love of Jesus Christ is being shown in tangible ways.

Our church also financially supports many of our Free Will Baptists missionaries both at home and abroad. These missionaries include:

Matt and Cristina Price in Nantes, France

Tim and Lydia Awtrey in  Svishtov, Bulgaria

Danny and Dawn Elliott in Quebec, Canada

Rex and Brenda Evans in Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina

Jason and Holly Weaver in Winchester, Virginia

Christ and Megan Davenport in Fredericksburg, Virginia

Dan and Kami Houghton in Burlington, Vermont

Dale and Julie McCoy in Asheboro, North Carolina

Free Will Baptist Home Missions

Free Will Baptist International Missions